Would You Buy Your Cookeville Home Again?

List Your Cookeville Home

Many homeowners ponder this question, along with whether they can make adjustments via remodels or additions. The fact is that our tastes, needs, and lifestyles change and evolve over time. The past few years have dramatically changed the way we look at our homes. More people than ever before now work from home. That cute cottage or condo might have been the perfect home base for evening and weekend activities, but fall short of the ideal full-time work space.

On the other hand, some homeowners have realized that they have under utilized their property. During the pandemic, we saw home cooking, gardening, and crafts boom. Yards have been redesigned to include vegetable beds and fruit trees. Kitchen remodels have emphasized cooking space and gathering areas for family.

Putnam County Real Estate Agent

For anyone who has lived in their Cookeville home for 7+years, it’s natural to wonder if the property still suits their needs. Families grow and contract, lifestyles and jobs change, and as life moves on, homeowners should periodically ask themselves if they would buy their current home today.

Contact Kelly Morgan To Buy Or Sell Your Cookeville Home Today

Let Kelly Morgan, a local Cookeville realtor help you sell your home or find a better-suited home for you and your family. After years in Cookeville, Kelly can help you find the perfect area in Putnam County for you. Call Kelly Morgan today at (931) 349-4492 if you have any questions.

Still Renting Your Cookeville or Putnam County Home? 4 Facts That Might Change Your Mind

Find a Budget Friendly Home in Cookeville, TN

Each year, home renters face the question of whether to renew their lease for another year or determine it is time to buy a home of their own. Over the past couple of years, the US housing market has changed dramatically as home values have soared and interest rates have remained low. So, if you are still renting your home, it might be time to buy instead.

Why You Should Purchase A Home in Putnam County

1. Rents Are Rising Quickly – Higher priced home values drive higher rent costs. While a 30-year fixed home loan will provide steady monthly payments for the duration, most renters are shocked to see their housing payments rise each year.

2. Paying for Your Landlord’s Equity – As home prices rise, so does the equity in the property. As a renter, you are making the loan payments for your landlord, while they reap the benefit of increased equity.

3. You Get What Your Get – A homeowner can paint, renovate, and customize the home to their heart’s content. A renter must live with the choices the landlord made about décor.

4. No Tax Benefits – Homeowners can deduct the home mortgage interest and property taxes off their gross income, offering huge tax savings.

With a wide variety of home loan programs available, buying a home may be more affordable than you think. If your lease is up for renewal, this could be a good time to consider the benefits of homeownership instead.

Contact Kelly Morgan at The Realty Firm to Start Your Home Buying Process Today

Make your buying or selling process effortless by working with Kelly Morgan, a local Cookeville realtor. Not sure of where in Putnam County you want to live? Let Kelly show you and your family what Putnam County has to offer! Call Kelly Morgan today at (931) 349-4492 if you have any questions.

Want to Sell Your Home in Putnam County? Don't Wait!

Don’t Wait Till Spring to Sell Your Cookeville Home

The winter season has traditionally been a slower time for home sales. The guidance in the past has been to wait for the warmer months of spring before listing. However, the current real estate market has created a strong seller’s market and if you’re considering a move, it may be better to sell now rather than risk a slowdown if interest rates rise in the coming months.

Well-priced homes have always attracted multiple offers. Often these proposals varied in strength, allowing the seller to easily make the best decision based on price and terms. In this current climate, with inventory so low, well-qualified buyers are searching for homes and making swift decisions. As a result, sellers are receiving multiple, strong offers.

According to recent data by the National Association of Realtors®, the average seller receives 3.7 offers on their home. These are typically well-qualified, serious home buyers and many are all-cash. While this is a good “problem” to have, it can also lead to confusion as sellers struggle to choose the right offer.

Working with your agent, consider each offer carefully and review both price and terms, such as contingencies and close date. Remember that the value for any buyer financing the purchase will be subject to an appraisal; this will prevent you from accepting an unrealistic offer that may cost you time and money if the appraisal doesn’t support the value and you need to start over.

Let Kelly Morgan Help You Find Your Perfect Home in Cookeville or Putnam County

The bottom line is that this is a great time to sell your home. If you’ve been considering a move, no need to wait for spring. Let Kelly show you what Cookeville has to offer you, your family, and your home! Call Kelly Morgan today at (931) 349-4492 if you have any questions.

Seller’s Guide to Buyer Contingencies

Understand Buyer Contingencies When Selling Your Cookeville Home

Every news article talks about the fact that it’s a “seller’s market.” This means that if you are selling your home, you’ve probably gotten a few offers from which to choose. While sales price is important, so are the contingencies attached to the offer. Understanding what these contingencies mean can help you choose the best offer from the pack.

  1. Home Inspection Contingency – This allows the buyer the right of a professional inspection to determine the condition of the home. Generally, this must be performed within seven days and removed. The inspection will address any safety, fire, and system condition issues.

  2. Appraisal Contingency – A professional appraisal will be ordered to ensure the price offered in the offer is fair market value. If the purchase will be financed, the lender must ensure the home is worth the loan value.

  3. Final Loan Approval Contingency – This contingency protects the buyer in the event they are unable to obtain final loan approval.

  4. Sales of Current Home Contingency – Sometimes a buyer will make an offer on a new home before their current one has sold. This contingency protects the buyer from having to complete the new sale until their home has sold.

  5. Title Contingency – This contingency protects the buyer if the seller does not have the “right” to sell the home due to unforeseen ownership issues.

Contingencies are part of most real estate contracts. As you review buyers’ offers, make sure to consider both the kind of contingencies and how long before the buyer must remove them. This way, you will choose the offer with the best terms and price.

Contact Kelly Morgan To Find Your Perfect Home in Cookeville or Putnam County

Landlords - 8 Amenities to Include in Your Cookeville Rental Unit

Cookeville Rental Units

The increase of pricing in the housing market and lack of inventory has left some potential homebuyers renting instead of purchasing. As a result, these renters may not just be viewing rentals as just a temporary steppingstone to homeownership and expect their rentals to have nicer amenities than in previous decades.

If you’re a landlord, there are 8 amenities your rental should consider including:

  1. Dishwasher – Rentals without dish washers may experience more turnover than those that include one.

  2. Washer and Dryer – With all the great space-saver appliances on the market, there is no excuse not to find room for a washer/dryer unit.

  3. Alarm System – Security systems cost a few hundred dollars and can add value to your rental.

  4. Pest Control, Gardener, Pool Service – Renters are looking for low- maintenance homes. Including these services in your rent also ensures your property stays in great condition.

  5. Central Air conditioning – Homes with central air conditioning rather than wall units always command higher rents than those without.

  6. Private Parking – Whenever possible, make sure there is a designated parking spot for the renter.

  7. Outdoor Space – While not always possible, when looking for new investment properties, opt for one with outdoor space.

  8. Home Warranty – avoid unexpected repair costs by adding a home warranty to the property.

Rentals have become a necessary alternative to homeownership for some. These renters will pay top dollar for the best properties. Make sure your unit stands out by offering the amenities modern renters want. Are you ready to buy or sell your home? Contact Kelly Morgan, your local realtor at The Realty Firm in Cookeville at (931) 349-4492 today.

10 New Real Estate Trends

Current trends in real estate include a mix of positive and negative developments. The market has been heavily affected by the Covid-19 pandemic that has created a new housing environment which is expected to alter the way we approach real estate for the next few years, and maybe beyond.

Here are the 10 key emerging real estate trends in Cookeville:

  1. Increased Homeownership – Homeownership rates have increased in 2020 and are expected to rise by 5% by the end of 2021.

  2. Lower Interest Rates – Lower consumer spending during stay-at-home orders have resulted in lower interest rates, helping affordability ratios.

  3. Steep Increase in Housing Prices – Real estate has entered a seller’s market that may increase inventory, slowing the pace.

  4. Millennial Home Buying is Strong – Millennials comprise 38% of the home buyers and seek mid-to-upper-middle class homes.

  5. Affordable Homes are Popular – 87% of the homes purchased were resale as millennials opted for homes needing TLC and updating over turnkey properties.

  6. Shift to Second-Tier Cities – Real estate investors and buyers moved out of high-cost markets to second-tier cities and suburbs.

  7. Technological Impact – Real estate professionals are using online home selling platforms, apps, social media, and smart home technology to enhance effectiveness.

  8. Mortgage Interest Rates Expected to Settle – As the economy continues to grow, experts expect interest rates to rise and then settle.

  9. More Demand for Luxury Homes – In the 3rd quarter of 2020, high-end home sales increased 60.7% year-over-year and this trend is expected to continue as more buyers prioritize an at-home lifestyle.

  10. Smart Home Technology is Attracting Tenants – Property managers are offering smart home technology in rental units to attract and retain tenants.

The Covid-19 pandemic has left a strong effect on the US housing market. The next decade will be shaped by some of the trends that have emerged over the past couple of years. Cookeville and surrounding cities within Putnam County have also shown these trends to be true. Are you ready to buy or sell your home? Contact Kelly Morgan, your local realtor at The Realty Firm in Cookeville at (931) 349-4492 today.

Your “Starter Home” Might Last Longer Than You Think

Taken from Penn Live

Taken from Penn Live

On The Search For Your Starter Home in Cookeville?

New homebuyers often tell their me that they are looking for their “starter home.” Several factors go into this approach. These are typically younger buyers, often without children. They may be looking for a maintenance-free home, like a condo, or they might assume that starter homes are more budget-friendly. There are plenty of good reasons to buy a home with the assumption that it’s only for a few years, but it’s usually wise to consider the fact that it might be for much longer.

Kelly Morgan at The Realty Firm Has a Solution

As 2020 demonstrated so clearly, things can change without warning. Homebuyers choosing a small condo with the intention of living in it for only a few years might later find themselves trying to carve out space for children due to employment challenges or market changes. The good news is that many times— once you add in association fees, taxes, and other costs—an older home that needs updating could be just as economical as a brand-new condo with all the latest design features.

When buying your first home, it’s important to consider how you would manage if you needed to stay longer than expected. An older home might offer a yard where you could expand, or extra rooms which can become bedrooms. These options can give you flexibility as your lifestyle changes over the years.

If you buy your first home with the future in mind, you can protect yourself from the unexpected income changes, real estate price booms, or any other outside influence. Don’t discount the older fixer-upper simply because you plan to move in a few years—plans change, and giving this some prior thought can help you adjust more painlessly in the future.

Call Kelly Morgan Today To Find Your Perfect Spot in Cookeville

Here at The Realty Firm, we care. We’ll help you every step of the way so that the process is smooth. Whether you’re wanting to upsize, downsize, or find your starter home, we’ve got you covered. Contact us today to find your perfect home.

Home Inspection Red Flags


Getting ready to buy a home? Wait and complete a home inspection before you set your heart on a certain home! Here are 10 red flags to look out for when reading your home inspection.

Most homebuyers realize that they can’t expect a perfect home inspection report when buying a resale home. Cosmetic flaws and minor repairs are easily managed and shouldn’t be dealbreakers. That said, there are some issues that are more serious and should give the buyer pause if not addressed adequately.

  1. Leaky and Rundown Roofing – watch for signs of current or past water damage.

  2. Poor Drainage – drainage issues can cause serious damage to the home foundation, siding, and basements.

  3. Foundation Issues – signs of foundation problems can include cracks around doors and windows or uneven floors. Foundation problems can cost thousands of dollars to correct.

  4. Plumbing Problems – major plumbing issues should be considered carefully and further explored.

  5. Pest Infestations – termites and other wood-eating pests can cause extensive damage that can be hard to find and costly to repair.

  6. Mold – that “musty” smell could be due to hidden mold and further investigation should be taken as mold can be dangerous to the health of the family. Depending on the type of mold, it can be very difficult to remove entirely.

  7. Faulty Heating System – a malfunctioning furnace can be a fire hazard.

  8. Electrical Wiring–faulty wiring can cost thousands of dollars to repair.

  9. Structural Damage–sagging joists, rafters, and door jambs can be evidence

    of larger issues.

  10. Deferred Maintenance – a home in poor condition could be hiding more serious issues due to chronic neglect.

Homebuyers should be alert to these issues and know the costs to repair before concluding the sale. Home sellers should address these issues before putting the home up for sale to ensure they get the best possible sales price.

Fun Room Update- Try Color-Blocking

Hirshfield’s Pinterest

Hirshfield’s Pinterest

Repainting a room is one of the easiest ways to freshen the décor while changing the feel of the room. The hottest design trend this year takes this to a whole new level. Color-blocking techniques are dominating magazines and social media with vivid color palettes and bold geometric patterns, turning the traditional painting project into something special. 

Color-blocking takes many forms—everything from a simple way to differentiate one space from another by changing the wall shade, to artistic pairings that would feel at home in a modern art gallery. Your style most likely falls somewhere in between. The common theme is to try something new while changing the feel of the room. 

Before you start your project, take time to consider the desired final look. Consider the relationship of your chosen colors and how each plays a part in the design. Bright shades create a sense of energy while softer tones are calming. Use blocked color to trick the eye into adding or subtracting space using light or dark colors. Color-blocking can also be used to draw attention to architecturally interesting elements, such as a curved entrance or crown molding. 

This weekend is a great time to update your space by trying something new and modern. Choose traditional color palettes and subtle shapes to compliment your current design or go bold and completely change the room. Any home décor style can benefit from the techniques of color-blocking with a little imagination, masking tape, and a paintbrush. 

Day Trips From Cookeville

Wishing that you were on a warm, tropical adventure? Me too! If there are no vacation days in sight, maybe a day trip can help satisfy your need for adventure!

Have you ever noticed how conveniently placed Cookeville is in Tennessee? It’s only an hour away from the heart of Nashville, hour and a half from Chattanooga, and an hour and a half drive from Knoxville. It’s perfect isn’t it? I don’t see why you wouldn’t want to live here. Ready to seek new adventures? Great! Get ready, get set, go!


Taken from KNoxville Website

Taken from KNoxville Website

Where do we start? There’s so much to explore!

For History Buffs: There’s McClungs’s Museum of Natural History and Culture which features fossils, Civil War history, Native American artifacts, and Egyptian mummies. In addition to this wonderful museum, there’s the Blount Mansion that is available for touring. There are numerous other historic sites that are tourable and can offer insight on what the beginnings of Tennessee looked like!

For Nature Lovers: If you haven’t been to Ijams Nature Center, it’s a must! It features over 12 miles of hiking trails that range from easy to hard. In addition, there are mountain bike and road bike trails. Forgot a bike? They got you covered! Ijams offers bike, kayak, canoe, and paddleboard rentals. If you need to cool off after a long day of hiking, just hop into Toll Creek or Mead’s Quarry Lake. Bored of just walking around and want to go up higher for some views? Just grab your climbing gear and climb one of 30 routes. With all these options, you’re guaranteed to have a day full of fun with friends or family! Some other options are the I.C King Park trail, Forks of the River trail, or Imerys Trail.

For Animal Lovers: Wishing that you could go on an African safari? Well, the newly expanded Knoxville Zoo has over 40 different animals, including a Malayan Tiger. It’s quite a surreal experience to see the tiger so close up. You can have fun pretending you’re on a world wide exploration, and the different exhibits represents the different parts of the world you’re visiting. Not only is that fun, but it’s also a learning experience for the whole group, whether it’s family or friends.

Of course, these are only a few highlights of what you can possibly do while in Knoxville! The options truly are endless!


Taken from Blueridge country

Taken from Blueridge country

For Those with a Green Thumb: Rock City has been advertised for years. Opened in 1932, Rock City became one of Chattanooga’s largest tourist attractions. If you didn’t know, they hired a painter to go throughout the Southeast and Midwest to paint “See Rock City” on barn roofs and walls. Not only does Rock City have beautiful gardens, they also have a lookout point where you can supposedly see seven states! It seems like one of those places you just have to go to in order to see if it’s true. Already been to Lookout mountain? No problem! There’s also the the Reflection Riding Arboretum & Nature Center. This nature center has a wide array of native plants that are fascinating to see during spring and fall. You can rent canoes, hike, or shop for native plants. What wouldn’t there be to love about this place?

For the Inner Tourist: I’m sure you’ve heard about it, but just in case you haven’t, go to the Tennessee Aquarium! It’s bound to be a fun day when admiring the amazing creatures that roam our wonderful planet. Not a fan of fish? Don’t worry, they’ve got reptiles, birds, amphibians and mammals! Just writing about their exhibits makes me want to grab my car keys and go!

For Outdoor Adventurers: Not a fan of crowded spaces with no fresh air? I don’t blame you. Why stay inside when there’s numerous hikes that are waiting to be done? There’s the Blue Blazes Trail that is a 2 mile loop consisting of old shorelines that were created by swamps. Not sure if it’s for you? Well, if you’re a sucker for an overlook, it has one! Love the eerie, yet exciting atmosphere of a cave? Look no further! Both Raccoon Mountain and Ruby Falls have caves that can be explored. In these caves you can admire and ponder how stalagmites and stalactites form!

Needing Some Change this Year? We've Got You Covered!

Needing some change this year? I don’t blame you, after spending longer than you’d like at home last year, you’re probably craving some change. Say no more. We’ve got you covered!

We’ve got some ideas on how to take your home from drab to fab! What’s even better is that you can do this AND support your local community. It’s a win-win, right? Cookeville not only has adorable boutiques, delicious food, and a talented art community, it also has some cute home stores like The Painted House and Habitat for Humanity ReStore.

Habitat for Humanity ReStore

Taken from NWV Habitat for Humanity website

Taken from NWV Habitat for Humanity website

If you didn’t already know, Cookeville is home to the Upper Cumberland Habitat for Humanity. They not only help with allowing access to affordable housing, but they also help the elderly with home improvement projects, and they have a wonderful shop called the Habitat ReStore. It’s kind of like Goodwill in a sense that you can donate your unwanted goods, but they primarily take appliances, furniture, home decor, and home improvement materials. You know what that means, right? It means that you could completely remodel your kitchen, while staying on budget. Granted, it would mean checking in continuously to see if they have what you’re looking for, but if it means that you could remodel a kitchen under $3,000 then it’s worth it!

The Painted House

Taken from The painted house facebook page

Taken from The painted house facebook page

This quaint little shop is only minutes from Cookeville Square and it’s the perfect place to go to freshen up your home! Literally, they carry such a wide array of fresh furniture and decor, you’re guaranteed to have a stylish and refreshing home!

Whether you’re wanting some seasonal decorations or new furniture, they’ve got you covered. Not to mention, they carry adorable mugs, cozy blankets, stylish clothes, original art, fun puzzles, and so much more. How could you not want to get up, grab your car keys, and go check it out?

Ralph’s Christmas Cookies are BACK!

Posted by Ralph’s Donut Shop on Monday, November 30, 2020

Ralph’s Christmas Cookies have returned!

It’s a Christmas miracle! If you’ve ever had these cookies, you know why this is a big deal. And, guys, IT’S A BIG DEAL!

Ralph’s Donut Shop has been voted the best in the state, so the fact that I’m talking about their donuts should tell you everything you need to know about these delightful cookies.

Ralph’s Christmas cookies disappeared from our holiday festivities a few years ago, and the holidays just haven’t been the same. But that’s all in the past now! The donut shop is now under new ownership, and they have brought the cookies back! 

“New ownership” sounds scary, but don’t worry. The new owners are dedicated to preserving the donuts us locals love so much. The previous owners passed down their recipes and techniques, so Ralph’s Donut Shop and their fantastic cookies can continue to brighten our breakfasts and holidays for decades to come. 

So, please. Walk away from the computer, grab you keys, and go get some Christmas cookies. 

Shop Local for Gifts to Impress


The holidays are upon us; is anyone else unprepared?! Wasn’t it just February last month? No? Oh no.

Okay, game faces, everyone. We can get through this. Not only that, but we’re going to get through this AND give our loved ones the best gifts ever.


We’re going to shop local.

Say what?

You heard me. We’re going to shop local! Do you know how many talented artists and craftspeople we have in our area? A LOT. I mean, we live right next door to The Appalachian Center for Craft, so we’re bound to have some highly skilled people hanging around. You can’t walk 15 feet down Broad Street without bumping into a creative, and that’s fantastic news for your gift list.

With so many artists and craftspeople living and working here, you’re guaranteed to find the perfect, high-quality gift for everyone on your list. And, you’ve got The Biz Foundry to back you up!

The Biz Foundry is a local non-profit that supports local businesses in the region. For the holidays, they’re curating a Made Here Holiday Market on their website. The market features over 25 local shops where you can find anything from pottery and candles to coffee, beer, and (you’re hearing this right) toilet spray! There’s also a selection of jewelry, leather goods, woodworking, and…well, you’ll just have to shop the market to see what all you can buy locally.

You can find the market here. You can also listen to interviews with the shop owners and commercial-free music during Lite Rock 95.9’s Made Here Christmas hour. The radio block plays daily at noon now until Christmas!

Halloween at Home: Ideas to Keep You and Your Family in the Halloween Spirit

It’s hard to know how to celebrate the spooky season without putting your family in a medically scary situation, but fear not! We’ve got some ghoulishly good ideas to keep your family in the Halloween spirit while staying at home.

Horror Movie Marathon

If you’re looking for a minimalist approach to celebrating, nothing beats a good ol’ fashion movie marathon! Streaming services, it's your time to shine! Arm yourself with blankets, popcorn, and Netflix’s best horror films. Looking for more kid-friendly options? Disney + has Coco, the Nightmare Before Christmas, Hocus Pocus, and other “horror” favorites.

Halloween Candy Hunt 

Think Easter, but with more mischief. Instead of trick-or-treating, dress your kids in costumes and send them on a house-wide hunt for Halloween treats. If you have a backyard, hide the candy there and have your family hunt by flashlight. Get your smart speakers to play spooky music to add to the atmosphere.

Cookie Decorating Contest:

Is it less messy than carving a pumpkin? Debatable. Is it safer and tastier than carving a pumpkin? Most definitely!

In place of jack-o-lantern carving, buy or bake some classic sugar cookies. Use different color frostings, sprinkles, and candies to create a cookie-o-lantern that you can eat! You can also make cobweb designs, bats, eyeballs, and anything else your fiendish mind can conjure up.

Throw a Masquerade:

A classic idea with a pandemic twist. Instead of decorating and wearing costume masks, you and your family decorate your protective face masks! Buy plain cotton masks in any color, craft markers, sequins, glitter paint, and whatever else you want to use to design your perfect costume face mask! 

Decorate your mask to look like the mouth of a monster, like the face covering of a fairy princess, or create something completely unique! Pair your mask with a matching costume, turn on the Monster Mash, and get to steppin’! It’s time for the masquerade to begin!

Surprise the Neighbors:

Not in a scary way! Leave small treats of cookies, pumpkin bread, or some other goodies at your neighbors’ doorsteps. Invite each of them to do something similar for the neighborhood. If it catches on, you can repeat this idea for future holidays!

Quality education at discount prices: Tennessee Tech University Ranks High in National Lists

Tennessee Tech University

Tennessee Tech University

Tennessee Tech University flies under the radar for most college hopefuls, but this school is a powerhouse for education on a budget. Tech has it all: a beautiful campus, dedicated teachers, an innovation center, and an economical price tag.

Forbes knows what I’m talking about. According to Forbes, TTU ranks #170 in the country for public universities. The university was also number #177 in their list of America’s Best Value Colleges of 2019.

But Forbes isn’t done. As it turns out, Forbes REALLY likes making lists. Let’s explore a few more. 

For Forbes’ Best Colleges in the South list, TTU ranked #108 (on a list that includes public AND private universities). 

Tech also scored #486 in the US according to Forbes’ Top Colleges of 2019. That’s #486 in a list of over 4,300 public and private universities! That means our little local university beats out over 88% of all universities in the US! How’s that for local pride?!

But lists aside, if you’ve seen the campus or taken classes at TTU, you understand the value of Cookeville’s university better than a national magazine ever could. You’ve heard students and parents brag about TTU’s Computer Science Department, the Engineering program, its stellar Nursing program, and much more. Maybe you've been the student or parent doing the bragging. 

And what's not to brag about? TTU is a fantastic school. Even Forbes thinks so. 

Top 5 Restaurant Patios in Cookeville

It’s summer in Tennessee which means patio season is in full swing. No matter if it’s the summer sun or social distancing that’s got you itching to be outdoors, Cookeville’s patio game is on point! Restaurants here have enclosed patios, open patios, patios with live music, patios with romantic atmospheres, patios with local art installations, and patios for laid back hangs with friends and family.

Whatever your dining pace, there’s a restaurant patio to cater to your needs. But there are so many patios and so little warm weather to enjoy them. Which ones are the ones to make your sunny days memorable?  

Well, friends, I know that not all patios are created equal. So here are my top five patio picks for Cookeville.

taken from The Blue Pig’s website

taken from The Blue Pig’s website

The Blue Pig - The Backyard Paradise

Feel more like digging into some smoked ribs and a Moscow Mule? The Blue Pig’s patio is calling your name. With a fusion of old world and modern style, Cookeville’s favorite Smokehouse has cultivated the perfect atmosphere for an effortlessly classy night on the town. 

If you’re willing to tear yourself away from its cozy interior, you’ll find the Blue Pig’s patio equally worthy of your time. This patio feels like the perfect backyard barbecue with its classic picnic tables, its white umbrella canopy, and it’s abundance of plant life. The overhead string lights add the illusion of fireflies or starlight.

taken from online review

taken from online review

Father Tom’s - The Arts & Craft (Beers) Patio

Father Tom’s has decked itself out with local artwork both inside and outside. Inside you’ll find massive paintings in various styles from local artists. Outside, you’ll be treated to the metal working talents of David Fricke. His stained glass inspired artworks are installed around the border of this pub’s patio, and are mesmerizing to study. Inlaid with glass and complex wordplay, the windows (for lack of better word) surprise and delight the longer you look at them.

To make your observations even better, come on the first Wednesday of the month when Father Tom’s hosts its monthly free beer tasting. Each month features free pints from a different craft brewery. 

taken from Google reviews

taken from Google reviews

Hix Farm Brewery - The Food Festival

Love to indulge in local beer and comfort food? Hix Farm Brewery definitely has your back. First of all, they’re right across the street from Ralph’s Donuts. Who can resist the smell of freshly fried dough?

Second, they’re right next door to Meg’s Bread, which is easily the best (non fried) doughy delight you can get in this town. Seriously, if you have'n’t had her sourdough or croissants, you aren’t treating yourself right. 

Third, FOOD TRUCKS! And I’m talking GOOD food trucks. Barbecue, tacos, burgers...it’s a different food experience every night which is good news because Hix Farm keeps a full calendar of events. The brewery regularly hosts musicians, comedians, art shows, game nights, and so on. 

Honestly, if you’re looking for variety in both food and fun, Hix Farm has the perfect patio for you.

taken from Google reviews

taken from Google reviews

Crawdaddy's - The Brunch Patio

I know, I know, I KNOW. A lot of places on this list serve brunch, but Crawdaddys is the quintessential example of Cookeville brunch. With eggs benedict served on fried green tomatoes, bavarian waffles, shrimp and grits, and other breakfast favorites on the menu, Crawdaddys is a classic brunch option. 

The patio is done up in a classic patio style, but the unobtrusive live music and overhanging trees makes this an ideal patio for daytime enjoyment. It’s a welcoming patio that’s shaded yet sunny, and it feels like exactly where you want to be on a Sunday morning.

taken from Mauricio’s online reviews

taken from Mauricio’s online reviews

Mauricio’s - The Wine and Dine 

Mauricio’s is the perfect patio for special occasions and romantic evenings. This lovely restaurant lives inside a classic Southern home and features such dishes as lobster ravioli and roast lamb chops. With an excellent wine selection and an unbeatable menu, Mauricio’s is sure to impress even before you find out about the patio. 

The patio at Mauricio’s is actually more of a larger yet elegant porch (it’s attached to a house after all). Even so, this “patio” is one of the top “patios” in town.

After Dark Movies in the Park : Opening Tonight at Dogwood Park’s Performance Pavilion

Tonight’s the night! Grab your picnic blanket and camp chairs because it’s time to go to the park AND the movies AT THE SAME TIME!

After Dark Movies in the Park has become a Cookeville tradition over the last couple of years. Once the weather turns warm, the moviegoers come out to watch family favorites. Throughout the summer months, locals can enjoy a different movie every Friday night. The movies range from classics like E.T. to more current movies like this weekend’s current movie, Frozen 2. Aside from Frozen 2, this year’s movie line up is still undecided, but you can follow the Dogwood Park Facebook page to stay up to date on the event!

Tonight’s event beings at 7:30 p.m. at the Dogwood Performance Pavilion. Concessions and bathrooms will be open, but social distancing rules still apply. Remember to keep 6 feet away from your closest neighbors, definitely don’t forget the bug spray, and buy some popcorn before the movie starts!

You can learn more about After Dark Movies in the Park at the event’s Facebook page.

How to Turn Your Home into the Ultimate Adventure


Watch the Olympics

Well..The MarbleLympics.

I know, sounds boring, right? It really isn't! 

Jelle's Marble Runs is a great youtube channel for those who are missing sporting events. These marble runs are far from the norm. Featuring elaborate setups that mimic sports arenas and nascar tracks, these races satisfy our whimsical and competitive sides in a very surprising way.

Personally, I prefer the MarbleLympics, but the channel also offers Marbula One racing for the car fans out there.

Costume recommendation: Sports jersey and face paint. Pompoms and noise makers are a plus.

Explore Mars

Follow in the tracks of the Curiosity rover to explore the Martian landscape. This is a 360° interactive window into another world. Some of the rendering is patchy (Curiosity couldn't take high-res images of everything!), but this still makes for a fun way to explore our universe from your couch!

Costume recommendation: Sci-fi. Turn pipe cleaners into alien antennas, wear a tin foil hat, paper maché a space helmet. Get creative and make something out of this world!

Go on Safari

Check out live feeds of savannahs, animal preserves, and wildlife sanctuaries from the safety and comfort of your own living room. 

Better yet, if your kids have plastic or stuffed animals, hide these around the house. Once they’re all hidden, send everyone else off to find them! Whoever finds the most gets to pick the next family movie or game.

Costume recommendation: Khaki or camo clothing. If you have a fishing vet, sun hat, or binoculars; now is the time to use them!

Visit a Museum

Google's Arts & Culture page features high-definition images of artwork, 360° views inside of art museums, and many other goodies to feed your artistic side. 

Costume recommendation: berets, anyone? If you don’t have a beret, find your most bohemian or “misunderstood” artist outfit. Go wild. Make it wacky. Does you costume have a meaning? That’s up to the viewer to decide.

Sofa King Fest 

This virtual concert series won't make up for missed music festivals, but it will scratch that concert itch. Sofa King Fest, as the name implies, is live music delivered directly to you (on your couch) via Twitch TV. You can watch the event live on its home page, or you can register on Twitch to join in the commentary and gain access to other festival extras. 

Costume recommendation: Band shirts! Well, probably just one per person, but hey! It’s a music festival! Get weird. Channel your inner hippie (yea, we’ve all got one), and dress like a free spirit.

Howl at the Moon

If you feel like you need a more primal outlet, you can go outside and howl at 8 p.m. with this Facebook group.

Costume recommendation: I mean...you’re already howling at the moon. Let’s not scare the neighbors too badly. Let’s stick to our day-to-day clothes for this one, k?

Do you have a favorite way to pass the time while staying at home? Tell us about it in the comments!

Take a Hike! Outdoor Activities are Okay while Social Distancing

Virgin Falls at Virgin Falls Natural Area, TN

Virgin Falls at Virgin Falls Natural Area, TN

If you're a Cookevillian practicing social distancing, I'm sure the lack of community has been hard. We're a social bunch. We like our church services, art meetups, live music, and local get-togethers an awful lot. It's hard going without that community presence, but you can always take this time to reconnect with nature.

And lucky us! We live in one of the most BEAUTIFUL natural areas in all of the US. Sure, Hawaii has us beat, but we're still pretty fantastic! We're a quick drive away from dozens of waterfalls, bike trails, hiking trails, parks, and other natural areas. Now's the perfect time to reconnect with the natural wonder of our area. Spring is freshly over the horizon, and nature is one of the few places it's still okay to go.

Current guidelines and recommendations for the coronavirus agree, being out of doors and in nature is fine, provided you keep your distance from anyone outside of your household. Remember, a six-foot distance minimum is recommended.

So take my advice, go check out the nearest waterfall. Or make it a mini-adventure and visit a park you've never been to before. Wherever you decide to go, enjoy it. During these uncertain times, grab happiness and sunshine wherever you can.

Get Your Greens: Local Produce, Bread, and Other Goods at the Downtown Green Market

Green Market

Today’s fruits and vegetables are shrouded in mystery. We pick up an apple at the supermarket, and never question how it got there. Sure, the label says California, but where in California? Furthermore, who in California?

Was it a small orchard handed down from father to son for generations? Or was it a large corporate operation where the pickers didn’t plant the trees and where the planters don’t own the land? 

Good odds it was that second choice. 

We know so little about the foods we put in our bodies. We put our trust in unknown strangers and faceless corporations at every meal. Maybe it’s time we reconnected with the people and places our food comes from.

In Cookeville, that’s a very real and enjoyable option. The Downtown Green Market is an open air market where local farmers, bakers, florists, and crafts people set up to sell their produce and goods. The one caveat all sellers must adhere to? The produce and products MUST be from here. 

Most of the farmer’s practice organic or minimal-pesticide farming. You’ll be hard pressed to find a GMO amongst the crops if you can find one at all. 

But the Green Market is so much more than just a farmer’s market. Live music is the norm here. Fresh brewed coffee is sold by the local roastery. Some vendors even prepare farm-fresh breakfast right on the spot. 

Sadly, the market is only open on Saturday mornings, but only because demand outstrips supply. You have to get there early to get the choicest picks. If you’ve ever tasted an organic, freshly picked strawberry, you can understand why everyone is clamoring to get their hands on the Green Market produce. 

If you’re interested in learning more or visiting the Green Market, check out their Facebook page here.