Get Your Greens: Local Produce, Bread, and Other Goods at the Downtown Green Market

Green Market

Today’s fruits and vegetables are shrouded in mystery. We pick up an apple at the supermarket, and never question how it got there. Sure, the label says California, but where in California? Furthermore, who in California?

Was it a small orchard handed down from father to son for generations? Or was it a large corporate operation where the pickers didn’t plant the trees and where the planters don’t own the land? 

Good odds it was that second choice. 

We know so little about the foods we put in our bodies. We put our trust in unknown strangers and faceless corporations at every meal. Maybe it’s time we reconnected with the people and places our food comes from.

In Cookeville, that’s a very real and enjoyable option. The Downtown Green Market is an open air market where local farmers, bakers, florists, and crafts people set up to sell their produce and goods. The one caveat all sellers must adhere to? The produce and products MUST be from here. 

Most of the farmer’s practice organic or minimal-pesticide farming. You’ll be hard pressed to find a GMO amongst the crops if you can find one at all. 

But the Green Market is so much more than just a farmer’s market. Live music is the norm here. Fresh brewed coffee is sold by the local roastery. Some vendors even prepare farm-fresh breakfast right on the spot. 

Sadly, the market is only open on Saturday mornings, but only because demand outstrips supply. You have to get there early to get the choicest picks. If you’ve ever tasted an organic, freshly picked strawberry, you can understand why everyone is clamoring to get their hands on the Green Market produce. 

If you’re interested in learning more or visiting the Green Market, check out their Facebook page here.