Ralph’s Christmas Cookies are BACK!

Posted by Ralph’s Donut Shop on Monday, November 30, 2020

Ralph’s Christmas Cookies have returned!

It’s a Christmas miracle! If you’ve ever had these cookies, you know why this is a big deal. And, guys, IT’S A BIG DEAL!

Ralph’s Donut Shop has been voted the best in the state, so the fact that I’m talking about their donuts should tell you everything you need to know about these delightful cookies.

Ralph’s Christmas cookies disappeared from our holiday festivities a few years ago, and the holidays just haven’t been the same. But that’s all in the past now! The donut shop is now under new ownership, and they have brought the cookies back! 

“New ownership” sounds scary, but don’t worry. The new owners are dedicated to preserving the donuts us locals love so much. The previous owners passed down their recipes and techniques, so Ralph’s Donut Shop and their fantastic cookies can continue to brighten our breakfasts and holidays for decades to come. 

So, please. Walk away from the computer, grab you keys, and go get some Christmas cookies.