Take a Hike! Outdoor Activities are Okay while Social Distancing
/Virgin Falls at Virgin Falls Natural Area, TN
If you're a Cookevillian practicing social distancing, I'm sure the lack of community has been hard. We're a social bunch. We like our church services, art meetups, live music, and local get-togethers an awful lot. It's hard going without that community presence, but you can always take this time to reconnect with nature.
And lucky us! We live in one of the most BEAUTIFUL natural areas in all of the US. Sure, Hawaii has us beat, but we're still pretty fantastic! We're a quick drive away from dozens of waterfalls, bike trails, hiking trails, parks, and other natural areas. Now's the perfect time to reconnect with the natural wonder of our area. Spring is freshly over the horizon, and nature is one of the few places it's still okay to go.
Current guidelines and recommendations for the coronavirus agree, being out of doors and in nature is fine, provided you keep your distance from anyone outside of your household. Remember, a six-foot distance minimum is recommended.
So take my advice, go check out the nearest waterfall. Or make it a mini-adventure and visit a park you've never been to before. Wherever you decide to go, enjoy it. During these uncertain times, grab happiness and sunshine wherever you can.