Shop Local for Gifts to Impress


The holidays are upon us; is anyone else unprepared?! Wasn’t it just February last month? No? Oh no.

Okay, game faces, everyone. We can get through this. Not only that, but we’re going to get through this AND give our loved ones the best gifts ever.


We’re going to shop local.

Say what?

You heard me. We’re going to shop local! Do you know how many talented artists and craftspeople we have in our area? A LOT. I mean, we live right next door to The Appalachian Center for Craft, so we’re bound to have some highly skilled people hanging around. You can’t walk 15 feet down Broad Street without bumping into a creative, and that’s fantastic news for your gift list.

With so many artists and craftspeople living and working here, you’re guaranteed to find the perfect, high-quality gift for everyone on your list. And, you’ve got The Biz Foundry to back you up!

The Biz Foundry is a local non-profit that supports local businesses in the region. For the holidays, they’re curating a Made Here Holiday Market on their website. The market features over 25 local shops where you can find anything from pottery and candles to coffee, beer, and (you’re hearing this right) toilet spray! There’s also a selection of jewelry, leather goods, woodworking, and…well, you’ll just have to shop the market to see what all you can buy locally.

You can find the market here. You can also listen to interviews with the shop owners and commercial-free music during Lite Rock 95.9’s Made Here Christmas hour. The radio block plays daily at noon now until Christmas!