How to Declutter Your Home
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The idea of living an uncluttered life with less stuff sounds so liberating, doesn’t it? Some of the benefits of owning fewer possessions includes: there is less to clean, you have more energy, and more organization is present. This all sounds great, but where to begin?
Inspired by Marie Kondo, the best first step is to gather several bins or large bags, and label them:
Put Away: This container is for items that have crept out of their storage spaces. This could mean a coffee cup in the bathroom or a sweatshirt in the kitchen. These are items that will go back in their designated spots.
Recycle: This bin is for items that need to be recycled, such as paper, plastic or glass.
Fix/Mend: Use this container for items that need further tinkering, such as a pair of shoes that you love but which need to be cleaned.
Trash: Designate one basket—things that can go into the household trash immediately.
Donate: Designate one bit for For items that you can donate to a charitable organization or another person. These should be items you can imagine another person wanting or needing.
Tip: bring these bins or bags into each room, and go room by room.
Have you tried decluttering? What has worked for you?