Beautiful and Inexpensive Ways to Display Family Photos
/As digital media continues to take over, less and less of us are actually printing our family photos to display in our homes. I think many of us get overwhelmed with how to display them, so we just don't!
But fear not, we've rounded up some simple and inexpensive ways to display those photos that are sitting in your closet gathering dust.
1. A Photo Ledge
Source: Chris Loves Julia
If you have lots of photos that you need to display without putting a bunch of holes in the wall, try this! Photo ledges are such a great way to display your framed pictures in a casual, but still put-together kind of way. Ikea sells picture ledges for dirt cheap, and you can get budget frames from Tjmaxx, target, or even the dollar store!
2. Mason Jar Lid Hangers
Source: Country Living
If you have that country-chic style in your house, this idea is PEFECT for you. These "Metal Flower Frog Lids" make such a cute and inexpensive way to display your treasured photos. Just add some twine and clothespins, and you are good to go. Here's a 6-pack of these lids on amazon for $8!
3. Chalk Board Display
Source: Love and Renovations
How cute and rustic to hang little photos over a chalk board! You could even leave some room for the kiddos to draw on the board if you hang it low enough. In this DIY, a crafter made this board, but if you could buy a pre-made chalkboard, or even paint over a large thrift-store painting with some chalk paint. Here's a $15 Chalk board on amazon!
4. Tree Stump Hangers
Source: Apartment Therapy
This DIY only takes some small tree stumps and some twine! If you don't have tree stumps lying around your back yard, most craft stores sell wooden disks, or you can find some online. This display looks great with polaroids, but would also be cute with any family photos you want to display.
5. Metal Grid
Source: Etsy